Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Something to share...

I find myself grappling with action 'research' due to my love of the hard sciences, however last nights class helped considerably. Jamie's comments about the research as art not science liberated me to open up to this idea of the art of personal growth. I do very much recognise the power of the scientific method in AR. The cycle of of hypothesise, observe, gather data, reflect and then form a new hypothesis and repeat makes the research valid however I am having some personal trust issues... bottom line I don't know if I trust myself yet.
Personal side note I was very glad to hear Paul say that the Cadre was over reaching early and to take a breath. My feelings going into the class were... "How are my cadre members editing a wiki about group cognition hundreds of times when we have yet to have a class meeting, lecture, or group discussion on the topic?" I know one thing about myself and its this... I want to have thoughtful deliberate discussions on a topic. I find myself wishing for depth vs surface, especially before I would dare to edit the work of a group of people who have worked on said document for an entire year. It strikes me as arrogant to edit something prior to some form of mastery. I understand I can correct spelling errors or perhaps fix some poorly constructed sentences, but when it comes to content... I am just not there yet. I am not out of the tunnel but I am not wandering in the absolute blackness either. I am looking forward to having something truly valid to share.

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